We converted our office table into a dinner table, and it was the first time we've all sat around one table and eaten together. Props to my housemates for some great decorating, both of the table and of ourselves...we had pilgrim and indian costumes. See the picture above to realize how awesome we are. Spending time eating together, playing a game, and watching a movie made for an amazing Thanksgiving. :-)
- Communities, both here in Nicaragua and back in the US. In particular: the communities I have the privilege to serve in here, my housemates, and the young adult community at St. Clares back at home.
- My Spanish being good enough to communicate what I want to, most of the time.
- Bug spray. (things I am NOT thankful for: the crazy number of mosquitos)
- The fact that the weather is a bit cooler nowadays, at least in the evenings, and that it's not raining all the time.
- Hugs.
- All the freedoms and opportunities that I've been given in my life in the US: education, a well-paying job, a fair political system, safety, etc.
- Friends who constantly challenge me to grow, support me, and hold me to a higher standard.
- Public transportation that allows me to explore this beautiful country.
- Open doors and welcoming smiles.